Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A visit with Santa

Last weekend Tyler was very excited when we told him that Santa Claus was in town and we could go visit him. We got all decked up in our Christmas clothes in hopes to take the perfect picture!! Brynn thought Santa was very snuggly.....Tyler on the other hand stood about as far away from him as possible once we got inside the room with him.

So Kyle tried to fake him out by distracting him with the tree in hopes to then place him on Santa's lap.Once Kyle sat him down he made a mad dash in the other direction

So he finally agreed to have daddy hold him but we were still hoping for a picture of just Tyler and Brynn with Santa

This time Santa tried to bribe Ty with M&M's and as you can tell it didn't work!
Finally after almost 15 minutes (thank goodness we were the only ones there this entire time!) we decided enough was enough. This was the best we could do. Ty agreed to stand on daddy's leg and if you look closely you can see the back of Kyle's head and his shoe! Brynn was such a good girl and never made a peep the entire time!Then just as I put the camera away Ty decided Santa might not be so bad after all. I quickly got the camera back out just in time to capture Ty giving Santa the pound. So when Santa asked Ty if he had been a good little boy here was the smile he flashed.....I'll let you be the judge of that one!
Merry Christmas!!!

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